to contact us.
university of patras
The Internship Office and the teaching staff member supervising the intern must be informed, so that they know who to contact for any information regarding the course of the internship and for any issue arising.
Each student is entitled to be employed in an Internship position only once.
Interns work eight hours a day (five days).
Interns are only entitled upon employer’s consent to a 5-working-day leave either due to sickness or in order to fulfil their student requirements or for any other serious reasons, provided they are on a mandatory six-month internship. Absences are recorded in the internship logbook, verified and signed by the academic supervisor and approved or rejected by the Head of the Department.
Insurance contributions from the Internship Program cover only the risk of accident and are calculated on a percentage basis of 1% on the 12th insurance class of the Social Security Fund [IKA]. Therefore, interns are not entitled to be issued with a Health Booklet or to get unemployment benefits.